r4b.jpg (12612 octets)

1967 - Price : 475 US$

Picture : RL DRAKE catalog

Versatility... Accuracy... Dependability

WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Linear permeability tuned VF0 with 1 kc dial divisions.
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) VF0 and crystal frequencies pre-mixed for all-band stability

WB01158_.GIF (255 octets)

Covers ham bands 80, 40, 20, 15 meters completely and 28.5 to 29.0 Mc of 10 meters with crystals furnished
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Any ten 500 kc ranges between.l.5 and 30 Mc can becovered with accessory crystals for 180 meters, MARS, etc.(5.0-6.0 Mc not recommended)
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Four bandwidths of selectivity, 0.4 kc, 3.2 kc, 2.4 kc and 4.8 kc
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Passband tuning gives sideband selection without retuning
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Noise blanker that works on CW, SSB, and AM is built-in
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Notch filter and 25 Kc crystal calibrator are built-in
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Product detector for SSB/CW, diode detector for AM
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Crystal Lattice Filter gives superior cross modulation and overload characteris-tics
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Solid State Permeability Tuned VFO
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) 10 tubes, 10 transistors, 17 diodes and 2 integrated circuits
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) AVC for SSB or high-speed break-in CW
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets) Excellent Overload and Cross Modulation characteristic
WB01158_.GIF (255 octets)

Dimensions: 5 1/2"H,10 3/4"W, 12 1/4"D. Wt.: 16 Ibs.

R.L. DRAKE is a registered Trade Mark of R.L. DRAKE COMPANY
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